MISO Max Generation Warnings

Oconto Electric Cooperative is committed to providing the most reliable and safe electric to our members as possible. In recent news, MISO has made it evident that there is an increased possibility of rolling black outs due to an unbalance in power generation at peak times and usage during those peak times. OEC wants our members to be fully prepared for these possibilities. In this article you will find how to better understand the issue, what the unattractive reality of the situation may be, and what you should do to prepare and possibly prevent the potential of rolling blackouts going into the summer months.


Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) is a wholesale electric market that encompasses all or parts of 15 states and Manitoba, Canada. Their purpose is to regulate the market for wholesale electricity. This creates safety standards and regulates the price of wholesale power. Minnesota Power, OEC’s generation and transmission supplier, generates electricity, sells it on the MISO Market, and then buys it back at a regulated price to distribute to its members, and bills members for their demand (the strain or draw on the power grid they service). During peak times, like a 90° day with air conditioning running, demand would be higher than usual.


MISO’s executive director stated, “MISO’s northern and central region is at heightened risk for controlled ‘load sheds,’ or planned blackouts.” With the record heat expected this summer, the influx of new homes and properties, and the irregularity of renewable energy sources that have replaced more on-demand fossil fuel power generation, the demand is predicted to outweigh current generation of power. If the power grid is nearing capacity, members will be asked to begin to limit their consumption as much as possible. This may mean, turning down air conditioning, moving the use of dishwashers and washers and dryers to lower demand hours, and lessening the nonessential use of electricity as much as possible. Doing so will hopefully take some pressure off the grid to help keep the lights on and help avoid blackouts. If these measures are still not enough to offset a power shortage, it is possible that Minnesota Power will request an emergency load reduction plan to be implemented.


If peak alerts do not resolve the demand issue and/or Minnesota Power issues an emergency load reduction plan, Oconto Electric Cooperative will make every effort to keep our members in the loop about what to expect and when to expect it. In the event of rolling blackouts being a necessity, it will be an emergency event to prevent system wide power outages. We will do our best to let you be aware of the situation as it unfolds. Members or businesses who depend on electricity for oxygen or other life-sustaining medical equipment should have a plan in case of a power outage. Unfortunately, we are not able to exempt a member from this plan. Owning a backup generator can provide peace of mind in these situations. *

Before installing a backup generator, please contact our office to ensure your backup generator is installed correctly to protect the safety of our line crew.

One Door Closes, Another Opens

Thank you for your business

OCONTO FALLS – Oconto Electric Cooperative’s RadioShack wants to bring to your attention and announce that we have made the decision to sell our retail business. Effective June 11, a new Cellcom store will open next door to our current location at Highland Square Mall. We are pleased that we are placing the business in the very capable hands of the new owners who currently own three other Cellcom locations. We know you will continue to receive the best service available as the Owners/Operators have more than 28 years of combined hands on experience. 

    June 10 will be our last day as a Cellcom agent, but our RadioShack store will remain open through July 27.

    It has been a pleasure to serve this community for over two decades. “OEC has decided to put focus on our core business and emerging technologies that are directly related to our industry,” said Robin Banaszynski, OEC manager of member services.

    We wish to thank you for your patronage over the past 23 years. As we close we would like for you to know how much we appreciate your business and support.

    RadioShack is located in the Highland Square Mall, 323 E Highland Drive, Oconto Falls, WI.