
Understanding Load Management


Availability: Farm and residential consumers where demand is less than 50 kW.

Type of Service: Single phase or three phase, 60 cycles, at available voltages.

Facility Charge¹ (per month)
Single phase $39.70
Three phase $63.75
Energy Charge (per kWh) $.0898
OEC Operating Cost (per kWh) $.0280

Wholesale Power Cost Adjustment² (per kWh)

Minimum Charge:
The minimum monthly charge is $39.70 for single phase $63.75 for three phase, plus an additional transformer charge if applicable³.


Availability: Commercial consumers where demand is less than 50 kW

Type of Service: Single phase or three phase, 60 cycles, at available voltages

Facility Charge¹ (per month)
Single phase $40.45
Three phase $64.00
Energy Charge* (per kWh) $.1243

Wholesale Power Cost Adjustment² (per kWh)

Minimum Charge: The minimum monthly charge is $40.45 for single phase and $64.00 for three phase, plus an additional transformer charge if applicable³.


Availability: Farm, residential, seasonal and small commercial consumers where demand is less than 50 kW

Type of Service: Single phase or three phase, 60 cycles, at available voltages

Facility Charge¹ (per month)
Farm/Residential Single phase $40.20
Farm/Residential Three phase $64.25
Small Commercial Single phase $40.75
Small Commercial Three phase $64.30

Energy Charge* (per kWh)
On-Peak $.1707
Off-Peak $.0467

Wholesale Power Cost Adjustment²  On-Peak (per kWh)

On-Peak Periods:
Summer (May-October) 12:00 PM (noon) – 10:00 PM
Winter (November-April) 4:00 PM-10:00 PM

Off-Peak Periods:
All hours not included as on-peak

Terms and Conditions:
1) This rate will apply until the member notifies OEC and requests a change to a different rate.
2) Upon terminating service under this rate, a member will be ineligible to renew this rate for a minimum period of one year.
3) Members served by this rate waive all rights to billing adjustments based on a comparisons to other rates.
4) This rate cannot be combined with any other load management program.

Minimum Charge: The minimum monthly charge is the facility charge, plus an additional transformer charge, if applicable³.


Availability: Services that are not the consumer’s primary residence nor a commercial service.

Type of Service: Single phase, 60 cycles, at available voltages.

Facility Charge¹ (per month) $40.25                                                                                                                        Wholesale Power Cost (per kWh) $.0898                                                                                                         OEC Operating Cost (per kWh) $.0280

Wholesale Power Cost Adjustment² (per kWh)

Minimum Charge: The minimum monthly charge is the facility charge, plus and additional transformer charge, if applicable³.


Availability: This rate applies to a cooperative controlled load for electric heating and cooling. The controlled load may be shut off during peak demand (control) periods. A coexisting Farm, Residential, Seasonal or Small Commercial Service, and a dual fuel heating system (electric with propane, natural gas or fuel oil) or an electric thermal storage system are required. Consumption is measured by separate meter.

Type of Service: Single phase or three phase, 60 cycles, at available voltages.

Facility Charge $3.00
Energy Charge (per kWh) $0.0490


Availability: All consumers for outdoor security and area lighting purposes.

Type of Service: Dusk-to-dawn operation by means of self-contained photoelectric cell. Lights may not be connected through a manual switching device.

Energy usage is not metered but is included in the monthly charge.
48 W LED $8.90
100 W LED $15.00
48 W LED Cobra Head $11.90
400 W Metal Halide Flood $20.90

Transformer Charge: If a separate overhead transformer is required to serve a security light, an extra fee of $2.50 per month will be charged.


(See Load Management)

Availability: This credit is available to most consumers with electric water heaters. A cooperative installed load control device allows the water heater to be cycled off during peak demand periods. Rebates are offered for signing up for this load control program. Contact the co-op for more information.

Credit: Any account signed up for water heater load management and using 400 kWh or more during a month will receive a $5.00 credit for that month.


(See Load Management)

Availability: This credit is available to most consumers with central air conditioning. A cooperative installed load control device allows the unit to be cycled off during peak demand (control) periods. Rebates are offered for signing up for this load control program. Contact the co-op for more information.

Control Periods: Air conditioner will be cycled off and on during control period to minimize any fluctuation in home temperature.

Credit: Any account signed up for the air conditioning load management program and using 400 kWh or more during a month will receive an $8.00 credit per month for June, July, August and September consumption.


Availability: Commercial consumers where demand is less than 50 kW, for use including lighting, heating and power.

Type of Service: Three phase, 60 cycles, at available voltages where four or more metering positions are served by one transformer bank.

Rates: Please call OEC.


Availability: Commercial consumers where demand is less than 50 kW, for use including lighting, heating and power.

Type of Service: Three phase, 60 cycles, at available voltages where four or more metering positions are served by one transformer bank.

Rates: Please call OEC.


Availability: Large commercial and/or industrial consumers where demand is greater than 50 KW for use including lighting, heating, and power. Use of a back up generator available for reducing coincident demand charges may also qualify member for use of this rate.

Type of Service: Single or three phase, 60 cycles, at available voltages.

Rates: Please call OEC.


Availability: For all services serving irrigation pumps 15Hp or over, subject to the established rules and regulations of the Cooperative including requirements for load management controls. The cooperative reserves the right to disconnect electrical service during the off-season to reduce the cooperative’s line loss.

Type of Service: Three phase, four wire, and single phase, at available secondary voltages.

Rates: Please call OEC.


Availability: All idle services, in order to be retained and not removed by OEC, will be billed a monthly retention fee.

Rate: Monthly fee: $18.75, plus applicable sales taxes and fees

Details: An “idle service” is an electric service, including primary and secondary power lines and equipment, that is unused and disconnected.

An idle service presents two distinct conditions that have an adverse effect on Oconto Electric (OEC):
• Exposures to extreme weather conditions may cause an unnecessary power outage that could affect active services in the area.
• No revenue is being generated at the idle service but OEC has ongoing maintenance and depreciation expenses associated with electric facilities at the location.

The retention charge will remain in effect and will be billed monthly until such time as the property owner either requests to have the electric service restored or instructs OEC to completely remove the electric facilities at the idle service. Reconnection fees apply if the owner requests to have power restored. Non-payment of the monthly retention fee will result in OEC completely removing the facilities.


* Rates subject to change due to unforeseen variables.
¹ Facility Charge: A monthly charge designed to help cover fixed costs of the cooperative. Fixed costs include items such as line maintenance, accounting functions, interest and taxes paid by the cooperative.

² The Power Cost Adjustment is a separate line item on each OEC bill statement which reflects the increases/decreases in the co-op’s cost of wholesale power purchased. The fluctuation in the Power Cost Adjustment is largely caused by changes in the cost of fuel for generation.

³ Transformer Charge: The minimum monthly charge is equal to the facility charge when 15 kVa or less of transformer capacity is required. For members requiring additional transformer capacity, the minimum monthly charge will increase by $.50 for each additional kVa.