Required paperwork must be completed and returned before an appointment can be scheduled.
Application for Membership
The form needs to be filled out completely, and your signature is also required. This information sets up the billing account. Please note: the name that is put on the application will be the one responsible for the monthly electric bill.
Membership/New Service Application
Credit Check
OEC requires either a $250 security deposit, a letter of good credit from your current power company or we can check your credit report. Upon sufficient credit information supplied by either the power company or the credit report, the $250 will be waived. Please make your selection on the application.
Appointment Fee
All new services will be charged a non-refundable appointment fee of $200 which needs to be paid in full, before an appointment is scheduled. This fee captures the costs that are associated with the installation of service, including but not limited to, the engineering design of the project, site visits, easement research, and administrative processing. The appointment fee is good for up to 1-year from the original appointment date.
Residential/Commercial Electric Service Application
Applications must be filled out completely, signed and dated.
Residential Electric Service Application
Commercial Electric Service Application
Example of Property Site Sketch
Copy of your “Recorded” Deed
The legal description of your property, found on your “recorded” deed, is used to write an easement. An easement is required if we need to install a primary line on your property or if we will be crossing someone else’s property to get to your service.
Electric Load Data Form
Form must me completed and returned.
You need to meet with a field representative from OEC at your job site. Please call our office to set up an appointment, if you have not already done so.
The field representative will flag and measure the proposed cable route and calculate costs for construction from the information gathered during the site visit.
Invoice for Installation
We require all fees to be paid up front before any work will be scheduled. The invoice will be sent to you within 3 business days. The invoice is valid for 60 days. There is a minimum charge for new service.
Township Inspection
Every township in OEC’s service territory has an assigned electrical inspector. The electrical inspector for your township must inspect the meter base before we can energize your service.
It is the responsibility of the inspector to notify OEC when inspections are complete.
Please note: The grounding for the service must have two (2) 5/8″ x 8′ copper-clad ground rods with #4 stranded copper terminated in the member’s service disconnect.
Wiring Affidavit
The electrician who installs the meter base must submit a wiring affidavit to OEC.
The affidavit must be turned into our office after the meter base has been installed. This lets us know that the meter base is built according to our specifications, as well as the national electric code, and that the meter base is ready for service. We will not process a work order without the affidavit.
Most electricians do have these cards and take care of getting them to our office. However, it’s your responsibility to verify this with your electrician.
Your site and foundation must be back-filled to within 6” of final grade.
Cleared Cable Route
Please make sure a 10’ feet path along cable route is cleared from any brush, any trees that may need to be cut down to ground level, dirt piles, building materials, vehicles, etc. If OEC’s crews go to your job site and cannot access the proposed cable route with their equipment, your job will be delayed until the area is properly cleared and there could be additional costs incurred to you.
Diggers Hotline
Once all of the above steps are complete, OEC will call Diggers Hotline to locate any underground utilities that may be on your property. Locates take three working days to become valid, and after that time frame your job can be scheduled for installation. It is the responsibility of the property owner to mark or expose any private facilities that may be buried. Diggers Hotline does not locate privately owned underground facilities.
Joint Installation with Telephone
OEC will contact the telephone companies to coordinate joint installation of their facilities with the electric line. Those companies have the final decision on installing their facilities with OEC’s. Please note: OEC does not do joint installations with natural gas lines.
It is the homeowner’s responsibility to contact the telephone company to apply for those services and set up their accounts.
Site Conditions
If the site is too wet to install the electric wire/equipment, the job will be put on hold until the site dries up or hardens.
During the busy construction season it may take longer to get your job scheduled, so please keep this in mind and prepare accordingly.
Seasonal Installation (NON-REFUNDABLE) – OEC’s seasonal installation will be in effect November 1st thru April 15th. Installation during this time frame has additional costs due to poor weather or site conditions. This is a non-refundable cost.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call our office at 1-800-472-8410. We welcome the opportunity to assist you in your construction project. Our office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Lobby hours are 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.